Surgical and Medical Training

Led by AMECA’s Clinical Director, Consultant Surgeon Paul Thomas, AMECA historically supported surgical training at district hospitals in Malawi. Self funding UK surgeons provided surgical training to staff, in a low cost, high impact initiative.

With the proviso of adequate hospital management co-ordination and liaison, elective patients were scheduled during a training week, giving a benefit to both patient outcomes and staff skills acquisition. The surgeons provided surgical training to clinical officers in the district hospitals of Mwanza, Nsanje, Mangochi and Mulanje in southern Malawi, in addition to bringing out a considerable volume of donated medical equipment to the hospitals.

Donations of anaesthetic machines, diathermy and other equipment were made at many mission and district hospitals.

Over time, the onerous fees imposed by the Medical Council of Malawi became unaffordable for short term surgical teaching and in April 2015, AMECA began a collaboration with Dutch surgeons through Malawi.Kom. During our first trip, AMECA  assisted in a Basic Trauma Life Support teaching course, traveling over 3000 km and teaching in various mission and district hospitals in northern Malawi. Over 120 healthcare professionals and ancillary staff were given BTLS instruction; the courses were a huge success and provided a great opportunity for liaison with other medical charities which share common objectives for education and training in the rural districts of Malawi.

Road journeys to remote mission hospitals were challenging, to say the least.
Teaching Basic trauma Life Support at Livingstonia MIssion Hospital.

Reports on these visits can be viewed at this link…..

Malawi. Kom continue to provide training at mission hospitals, visiting Malawi twice a year. In recognition of the need to support opportunities for training Clinical Officers and Doctors, as tuition fees are often beyond the financial means of students, AMECA has greatly expanded its scholarships for healthcare students. To view AMECA’s current scholarship placements, visit this link……..