AMECA is currently in discussion with a potential partner in Malawi for what we very much hope to be our next very exciting project.
Subject to our ability to ensure sustainability, funding and partnership, AMECA hope that we will be building a primary health clinic complex in a remote area of Southern Malawi; a project which we have always wanted to realise.
The statistics on the lack of qualified healthcare clinicians, together with the infant mortality rate in rural areas, remain shockingly stark. 108 out of every 1000 die before they reach five years of age. (10.8%)
Almost half the population is under 15 years of age and many of them are orphans. AMECA believe that by providing better maternal and child health, this situation can change and that this should be a focal objective.
AMECA believe that the chance to build a rural healthcare clinic which will attract well qualified staff, provide opportunity for further training and implement community health education at grass roots level, is something that we should aspire to achieve.
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