Holy Family Mission Hospital is situated in the South Eastern part of Malawi in Phalombe District. This Hospital with a 223 bed capacity, has a catchment area consisting of 32 villages with a population of 42,229 and a district population of 452,719. It serves about 800 and 1700 in and out patients respectively in a month. It acts as a referral center for Phalombe District and services for 17 Health Centers. All critical cases are referred to this Hospital for proper management. Sister Letekristos Teklemariam is the Principal Hospital Administrator. Construction of a 4-bed High Dependency Unit at Holy Family Mission Hospital in Phalombe began in March 2022.

For many years, surgeon Jan Petit has been organising teaching courses at the mission hospitals, through his Dutch NGO, Malawi.Kom and Jan and colleagues are regular visitors to Holy Family Hospital. Tragically, our Dutch colleague Sjon Reus died in November 2019 whilst teaching at Phalombe.

To honour Sjon’s memory, it was decided to construct a High Dependency Unit at Holy Family Mission Hospital, as there were no facilities to help stabilise emergent patients.

Rather than construct a new building, a suitable room was identified within the hospital which already had power and water. Construction began in March 2022, involving repairs to the roof, a new suspended ceiling, new electrical fittings 4 patient bays and nurse station. Toilet and shower facilities and a new sluice room were also included.